Who is HR Mom?


Hello! I’m Melissa, better known as “HR Mom.”

The HR stands for Human Resources, where I worked for 18 years, leading Recruiting and Hiring teams for several well-known Fortune 100 companies. Over the years, I watched the skills and capabilities of young workers decline, while their managers became increasingly baffled by the realities of the entry-level workforce.

Again and again, we hired smart, academically-successful young adults, who looked great on paper. Once on the job, many experienced crippling anxiety and lacked the confidence to make decisions on their own. The more I examined these trends, the more clear it became that many popular modern parenting styles were hindering our kids’ ability to successfully navigate the real world.

I realized that if more parents would put in the work to build these skills while their kids were still at home, this talented new generation would have the confidence and capability to step into adulthood.

One of the BEST ways to equip our kids for success in adulthood is to engage them in the ownership of creating their own routines, chores, and daily care habits while they're in our homes. They need our help developing the executive function skills required to manage time, prioritize tasks, and balance family and school responsibilities. In this course, I show you how Alexa, or another digital assistant, helps us build these skills.

I have three kids and am in the trenches with you!

My kids (ages 18, 14, and 8) each carry an age-appropriate share of household tasks, and they know this house can't run without their valued contributions.

Our family is a team, but this spirit of cooperation was not built overnight. We've had to work hard to create this culture over the years, and Alexa is one of many tools that has had it possible to sustain.

Let me help you reclaim some of your time and energy and bring more peace to your home.

Let Alexa simplify YOUR life today!

You are worth the investment!

This course includes:
  • Over 20 short, self-paced video lessons

  • Printable "Idea Pages" for Easy Notetaking

  • Live Video Demos and Screenshots to follow

  • Customizable Routine Templates

  • Printable Cheat Sheets for Common Commands